Know Where Bed Bugs Hide Inside Your Home

Bed bug infestations in homes are becoming increasingly common. There are certain steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of bed bugs from hiding in and infesting your home. Check your luggage when returning from vacation – then continue to check your beds, bed frames and bed heads.

Evidence of Bed Bugs

These pests are very good at staying hidden, but not as skilled at hiding evidence. If you suspect that your room is overrun with bed bugs, look for the evidence they leave behind.

Signs to look for:

  • Bed bug exoskeletons or eggs in bedding, mattress or anywhere else;
  • Blood stains on bedding or mattress; and
  • Bites and swelling on the skin.

Where Do Bed Bugs Hide?

Are bed bugs only found in beds? Well no, they can also be found anywhere in your house. However, bed bugs are predominantly found in and around sleeping items like beds and mattresses.

Some places you should check to prevent a serious infestation include:

  • Mattress
  • Mattress foundations & Boxspring
  • Head board
  • Closets and cabinets
  • Carpets and underneath rugs

With this in mind, Flick Anticimex created an infographic that illustrates the top 7 Places to check for bed bugs. We hope this will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about bed bugs and their hiding places.

Bed Bugs Are Good Hitchhikers

Bed bugs love to travel and excellent hitchhikers. Luggage is their main form of transport used to move from one place to another.  When staying in foreign lodging, inspect your room as soon as you arrive. Do not unpack your luggage and don’t put your baggage, personal things and even clothes on the bed. Your luggage is the most common way to relocate bed bugs to your home. Bed bugs are one of the most difficult pest problems requiring significant time to eradicate and treat.

Protect Your Home from Bed Bugs

Articles that advise you how to get rid of bed bugs and DIY pesticides are not sufficient to address your bed bug problems. Regardless of which methods homeowners try, these tiny creatures can still find a way into a spotless house. Unfortunately, exceptional housekeeping is not enough to eliminate bed bugs problems in your home. If you are plagued by a serious bed bug infestation, consider hiring a bed bug specialist. It is extremely important that you do not accidentally spread the infestation via your DIY methods, which often occurs.

Did you know Anticimex is Swedish for “no bed bugs”?

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